Jerked beef by Teco

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  • O primeiro passo é remover toda gordura, nervo ou cartilagem da carne, ela precisar estar completamente limpa.
    fatiá-la, as fatias precisa ter uma espessura regular em torno de 0,4cm. Fatias muito finas resultarão em uma jerked beef duro enquanto as muito grossas não vão desidratar podendo inclusive estragar.
    Chegou a hora de temperar a carne, para isso misture todos os temperos com a carne e deixe marinando por 24h na geladeira.
    Place the meat on the racks of your oven, one next to the other (see pic above). The higher the racks are placed in the oven, the better. If you like, you can put the meat on aluminum foil or hardware cloth.
    Set your oven temperature to 70°C (160°F), or 80°C (180°F) if you’re in a rush. Crack open the oven door by sticking a wooden or plastic serving spoon in the top of the door. Steve Rinella uses a crunched beer can. The goal is to dry the meat but avoid cooking it.
    Let it dry for 3 hours, then turn over the jerky. After another 3 hours, it should be done. The total time, however, is dependent on the thickness of the meat and the temperature of the oven. The jerky is done when it’s dry enough that you can rip off a piece easily, but before it snaps when you bend it.
    Leave meat out in the air to cool. It is now ready to eat. The longer you leave it out to cool, the drier it will get. After no longer than 24 hours, store it in sealed Ziploc bags. Without refrigeration, it will be good for 4–6 months.

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